The reason for establishing this website is to provide an inside understanding to people that visit the Walewale Computer Lab and to also create a room for people to share both their experience and what the Community can offer them. The Management of the Walewale Computer Lab provides services to the satisfaction of its customers to let them feel at home. Thank U for stopping by!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Mr. Adam Banablesera Yussif the newly appointed District Chief Executive got an overwhelming endorsement of fifty five out of sixty from the members of the assembly.
Mr. Adam Yussif also called Mandela is an active member with respect to party activities in the district and also doubles as the acting chairman of the Mamprugu Youth Association (MAYA) until his new appointment.
The Regional Minister was handed an over sight responsibility of administering the district during the absence of the DCE.
A report from the district has it that the new administrator of the district is yet to report but officials at the assembly have acknowledged receipt of the letter confirming the new appointment.
He told news men that he will work assiduously to consolidate the gains made in the district. is closely monitoring the latest from the district and will duly update readers.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Walewale Computer Lab has started its second phase of Technology Education by providing training to 76 teachers. The funding for the workshop is sponsored by TENI (Tackling Educational Needs Inclusively) and headed by Ms Elaine Harrison, V.S.O (Voluntary Service Overseas) Teacher Support Officer, at the Ghana Education Service in Walewale. The purpose of this workshop is to provide some basic knowledge on computer use to teachers and also teach them on how to search for information on the internet using search engines.
It started on the 1st of August this year and the teachers are great to teach, since most of them are getting this opportunity for the first time.
Instructor and Manager of the Walewale Computer Lab Mashood I Mahama took the teachers through “Introduction to computer” as the first step in preparing the teachers. Each lesson is schedule to last for one hour in each session.
It is interest to find out the questions the teachers ask.
“Who made the computer?”, “How did he get the idea?”, “Which operating system is the best?” and the like.
Indeed the Walewale Computer Lab is really promoting Technology Education in West Mamprusi District.
It is interest to find out the questions the teachers ask.
“Who made the computer?”, “How did he get the idea?”, “Which operating system is the best?” and the like.
Indeed the Walewale Computer Lab is really promoting Technology Education in West Mamprusi District.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The ceremony took place at the chief Palace with massive turn out from community members to grace the occasion. Among them were Pastor Jonathan Baniyiri founder of ELIM-GHANA, Mr. C.B Mejida assistant director of the Ghana education service and many others on the 6th of July,2011.
The chief thanked Mr. Jacob M. Marder for the development he has brought to the community and also for that of Gbimsi a sub-village in Walewale. He added that even though Mr. Jacob was returning to the United States, he will always be part of his council of elders as "TUMSUMA NAABA" and his place can never be replace by any other.
The ceremony became so much alive as the traditional dances like the Takai, Damba, and many others were displayed on the grounds.
As tradition demands in the Mamprugu kingdom, the new chief is escorted to his home by the elders, drummers and other dignities in the ceremony. This is an historic even in the entire district, as Mr. Jacob M. Marder is the first white man to be enskin as a chief in the West Mamprusi District.
As the saying goes to all chiefs, long live the chief and may he live to bring more development to our beloved district.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Grand Opening
Following the ceremony all guests immediately made their way in a motor vehicle and motorcycle convoy to the project site. Peace Corps Volunteer Jacob Marder held the ribbon as the Durana performed his ribbon cutting duties and inaugurated the building. Mallam Abdulai immediately offered a prayer for the facility’s sustainability. The chief’s entourage, followed by invited guests and many interested community members entered the facility for the first time. It was the Durana’s first time to see computers with his own eyes! Project organizer Mashood Mahama assisted the overlord with a brief Internet browsing experience. Complimentary internet and email creation service for the entire community were provided for the remainder of the afternoon.
Pictures of the opening day can be found here.
Memorable quotes from the inauguration ceremony include:
We are here today not only inaugurating a computer lab in Walewale, but more significantly we are celebrating the birth of Walewale, and for that matter Mamprugu, on the global map.
It is said that in the twenty-first century literacy is not defined as only the ability to read and write, but also encompasses the ability to use a computer.
-Mr. Abubakari Abdulai, ActionAid
You might be asking whether I am campaigning. My answer is YES. I am campaigning for technology education in this district. ICT has now been integrated into the junior high school syllabus, yet schools have neither electricity nor a single computer. What are we doing as members of this community to help the Ghana Education Service? Or, as usual, are we simply waiting on government to provide.
The motto of the Walewale Computer Lab Project is ‘’connecting Mamprugu to the world,’’ and indeed with togetherness, like the Americans say, ‘’yes we can’’!
-Mr. Mashood Mahama, Project Organizer
Information technology is developing rapidly, and for successful socioeconomic development, modern technology must be incorporated into as many facets of daily life as possible.
No country, including my own, developed overnight or without difficulty. For those interested in aiding in the development of this community, do not forget the necessity of perseverance in making your goals a reality.
-Mr. Jacob Marder, United States Peace Corps
Thursday, March 17, 2011

The district director of Education Alhaji Mohammed Haroon has distributed one thousand classroom furniture to schools in the West Mamprusi district the schools will include 80 KG’s, 250 Primary schools and 130 Junior High Schools.
In a speech delivered to heads of schools at this year’s 54th Anniversary, the director promise to provide more furniture if the new ones are properly care for. He however, added that, the exercise was to encourage teaching and learning in schools and therefore told teachers to be up and doing in other to raise the pass mark of students to a better standard.
The headmaster of R/C Junior High School Mr. Joseph Kwara thanked the Director on behalf of his colleagues for such a move and promised they will handle the furniture with good hands.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I will be extremely glad if you could kindly offer some space in your widely circulated and a highly respected newspaper to voice out my views on this contemporary issue that has the potential of affecting the general development in my district.
It is very inspiring that 2011 has been declared an action year by his Excellency President Professor Atta Mills, to meet the developmental needs and aspirations of the good people of Ghana. Such a call demand leaders both political and non political manning the affairs in the country to be visionary, transformational and development oriented. It is against this background that the writer wants to do a critical analysis of the demonstration recently held on the 5th January, 2011 at Walewale, the district capital for West Mamprusi District, calling for the removal of the DCE Honorable Lord Sulley Zakari from office.
During that poorly attended demonstration, a petition dated 28th November, 2010 was presented to the District Coordinating Director calling for the immediate removal of the DCE from office. That petition was made up of 12 unsubstantiated allegations against the DCE and was signed by 12 people including some constituency executive members of the ruling party some of who competed against him for the post earlier on and lost to him. They therefore vow not to allow him succeed. Otherwise, among all the issues raised on their petition, non question the capacity of the man to deliver development projects to meet the needs and aspirations of the people in the district. Those championing that course knew very well that the primary responsibility of a DCE is to help initiate and implement development projects to meet the needs of his/her people. As for the person ability to offer sweet talks to people, award contracts to party members, having or not having management and mobilization skills, they are secondary matters.
However, checks at the West Mamprusi District Assembly as well as the official website of the assembly (www.west revealed that since the assumption of office of the DCE from 2009 to date, the district has witnessed very massive development of infrastructure in areas of education, health, roads, water and sanitation among others through the hard work of the DCE.
In the field of education, the following success has been chalked by the DCE. Namely, the establishment of Wulugu Orphanage, the construction of a new District Library at Walewale, the construction of six classroom block for Wulugu Zaami Primary School, the construction of six classroom block for Gbimsi R/C primary school, the construction of six classroom block for Manga primary school at Manga as well as the construction of three classroom blocks with offices to replace those school under threes at Taantala, Janga, Wuyima, Kubagna, Nabuligu, Kata-Banawa and Yirangu. The construction of food vendors Shops at Walewale and Wulugu Senior High Schools to mention but a few.
In health sector, two medical doctors are now in the district, one incharge of the district hospital at Walewale and the other incharge of the district health administration. Formerly, there use to be one doctor handling both schedules. Additional projects include the provision of solar lamp lighting system for all the CHPS Compounds throughout the district, supply of a standby generator for Walewale District Hospital as well as the construction of Nurses Quarters at Wulugu.
In terms of roads, the following feeder roads in the district have been re-graveled duribg the last two years under his (the DCE) watch; Namely, Wulugu – Kpasenkpe, Zangum – Nabari, Gbani – Kparigu, Walewale - Bug’ya – Guokudoo, Wungu – Zangu – Yakura, Kubore – Zangwara, Walewale Market – Fongni, Walewale – Zangum among others.
In the area of judiciary, the DCE championed the construction of a new District Court House at Walewale, which has been completed and is stocked with computers and their accessories to facilitate the work of that organ of government in the district.
I therefore challenge the organizers of that demonstration to dispute with evidence whether the above-mentioned projects have not been implemented by the DCE since his assumption of office. It is a fact that, these projects in the districts would meet the needs of not only the present generation, but also the future generations yet to come. I would therefore urge the constituency executives of the party in the district to do away with their parochial and selfish interests and rather help the DCE to implement the better Ghana agenda in the district. I would also plead with the president His Excellency, Prof JEA Mills to disregard those demonstrations organized by few people in the district and allow the DCE to continue with his Good works to move the West Mamprusi District to another height.
Signed by,
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Bariham Iddrisu,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Hon. Assembly Members Elect,District Director of Education, Heads of Departments, Heads of Security Agencies, Mba Wungnaba and Elders, Teachers and School Children, Civil Society Organisations, Political Parties, The Press, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Today marks yet another celebration of our independence Day from the British Colonial rule in 1957. Indeed, Ghana is 54 years old today as a sovereign and independent state. This is a remarkable or worthy achievement.
This year’s celebration is under the theme “DISCIPLINE AND HARD WORK, ESSENTIAL PREREQUISITE FOR A BETTER GHANA”. The ideals set forth by our founding fathers through the independence struggle was largely as a result of discipline and hard work. All nations of the world over have grown and developed in strength, influence and prosperity through hard work and sacrifice of their citizens. We as Ghanaian s must therefore abhor laziness and remain focused in our approach to national issues so that we will help Government achieve its vision of Better Ghana.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation needs disciplined, hardworking and talented people to remain competitive in this highly globalized and technological world. It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence and power that one has over other peoples lives. Often, we find ourselves in a bad situation and often, you feel like giving up. It is at such times that you need to energize yourself with inspirational thoughts. Harry E. Fosdick said “No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed and no life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined”.
I am delighted to state that today is a memorable moment and an ideal opportunity for us as Ghanaian s to take stock of the journey we have traveled over the last 54 years and to reflect on the road ahead.
We should not be content with our achievements so far but rather be concerned with what the future has for us. In today’s world, social, economic and political development relies heavily on discipline and hard work which can propel our people especially the youth to competitive careers.
Ladies and Gentlemen, on its part, Government is committed to ensuring that Ghanaian s, especially the youth have access to globally competitive quality education and training. The aim of the NDC Government is to give every young Ghanaian a fair chance of life by equipping them with knowledge and skills that will enable them secure decent livelihoods in an increasingly competitive global environment. As part of this commitment, Government continues to allocate the education sector the largest share of national budget. The large allocation is intended to allow for implementation of priority projects and programmes that will facilitate overall national development as well as enhance individual well being. These projects and programmes include the distribution of free exercise books and uniforms, increase in the capitation grant, continuation and expansion of the School Feeding Programme, eradication of schools under trees, rapid infrastructural development in Senior High Schools, and many others in the sector across the country. These efforts of the Government are not enough on their own. Success will only come out of discipline and hard work by Pupils, Students, Teachers, Supervisors, Board of Governors, Directors and indeed all and sundry. We all need to work closely in providing guidance to our young ones so that they grow up as a generation of educated and responsible people who are disciplined and hardworking. To you the future leaders, I appeal to you to avoid drugs, substance abuse, alcohol, promiscuity and other social evils.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me touch on a subject of concern to Government which is the implementation of the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS). Government has taken note of the difficulties that arose out of the implementation for Ghana Education Service staff. All efforts are being put in place to address these problems. Let me humbly use his platform especially in the context of the theme for the celebration to appeal to our dear and colleague teachers to exercise patience and avoid abandoning teaching. Together, we shall overcome through the hard work that you have displayed over the years.
Indeed, we just saw the presentation of prizes to teachers who worked hard and were awarded by the Best Teacher Awards Committee in the District. On behalf of the Chiefs and People of the District, I extend special commendation to them for their dedicated service and hard work. There is no doubt that it will have a positive impact on their work. I wish to urge those who did not win to also work hard so that they can also win awards in the future. The Assembly will continue to support this noble exercise.
Let me inform you especially our religious bodies that as part of the celebration, there will be national thanksgiving from the 11th to 13th March, 2011. On the 11th March 2011, our Moslem Brothers and Sisters are to offer prayers for the nation. Saturday 12th March and Sunday 13th March, 2011 will be the turn of our Christian Brothers and Sisters to do same. I call on the leadership of these groups to support this exercise.
Whiles I wish you all a happy 54th Independence Anniversary Celebration, I wish to state that there is no life without difficulties. We must appreciate these difficulties, sort out our differences in a transparent and cordial manner without rancor and acrimony so that we can build the Better Ghana that we all desire.
Thank you and God Bless you All.